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Gameplay Demo
We chose the name HISTORY MAKER BASEBALL because it captures what this game is all about. There are a number of award-winning table top baseball simulation games out there, many of them have had established followings for 30 years or more. It didn't make sense to try to "re-invent the wheel" when these games have loyal, satisfied devotees who have built large libraries of past season card sets. So instead, we focused on designing a game that offers a number of dimensions of big league baseball that other games don't attempt to capture, and a premise that is somewhat different than purely stat-driven baseball sims.
Every professional sports campaign contains an element of surprise. A baseball season always looks somewhat different in the rear-view mirror at World Series time than it did looking ahead on Opening Day. External factors and intangibles affect player and team performance in ways that are unforeseen, uncontrollable and often to a large degree, random. It's logical to assume that if you were somehow able to go back in time to Opening Day and play the same season with the same players and teams, you would necessarily get somewhat different results. Most players and teams would perform about the same in both seasons, but some would perform differently, either adversely or fortuitously affected by circumstance.
Where the great baseball board games of today look through the rear-view mirror, HISTORY MAKER BASEBALL is designed to give you the "Opening Day" perspective. HMB will allow for the collusion of intangibles which could potentially produce a result somewhat modified from what actually happened--or, WILL happen--in real-life, while still generating acceptably realistic, believable statistics. It does this through several unique twists on the traditional "baseball board game" methodology…
First, HISTORY MAKER BASEBALL Big League Baseball board game incorporates the intangibles of baseball--team chemistry, hot and cold streaks, player experience and so on. if a player is on a hot streak, or there's tension in the clubhouse, it's a palpable feeling with noticeable--though not precisely quantifiable--results. HMB reproduces that phenomena using a simple set of easy-to-implement qualities. The result is story-line drama that we think you'll find to be quite entertaining and captivating--but which doesn't bog down play, or require copious book-keeping!
Second, HISTORY MAKER BASEBALL expands the scope of the game to include events "outside the innings" which rightly affect what happens during the game. The pitching coach wants to talk "privately" to you about yesterday's starter. Here's the trainer with an injury report. Comments this morning from an outraged local sports talk host will have to be dealt with. The front office can be fickle--maybe they'll give you a "vote of confidence," or perhaps bungle a player negotiation, and you'll have to clean up the mess. All these are real factors in real baseball, and it's built-in to be a real part of HMB as well.
Third, this baseball board game offers a universe of managerial choices that includes classic baseball strategy and at the same time supersedes it, expanding into the realm of baseball psychology. Dugout chatter, coaching tips, walking to the mound to chat with the pitcher, arguing with the umpire--all have a place in real baseball, all have a place in HISTORY MAKER BASEBALL Big League Baseball simulation board game.
It should be duly noted here that these features are designed to COMPLEMENT the game, NOT overpower it. And they're all optional--you can use any, all, or none of them, to suit your own personal preferences. The game itself is designed first and foremost to be a faithful board game re-creation of big league baseball, complete with realistic stats. We completely understand--and agree--that a sports board game HAS to inspire confidence that the numbers will be realistic, or a huge sense of the "fun" is lost. The core engine of this game has been under play-test since 2002, and we think you'll be more than pleased with the realism. The league leaders, bottom-feeders, and everyone in between, pitchers, batters, fielders, all will by-and-large perform as you expect they will. Some guy who hit .255 with 10 home runs in real life won't suddenly blossom into the reincarnation of Hank Aaron and/or Rod Carew. But you might be able to bump him up to .275 and 15 home runs, if you manage adroitly.
Finally, there are several other interesting aspects to the game that sets it apart as a unique tabletop baseball experience. For example, umpires are rated with their own set of defining qualities. A controversial umpire call can have the same impact in YOUR baseball world as it does in real-life big league baseball. There's an extensive network of "highlight reel" results that will add "spice" and surprise to your campaign. And, the game's ratings framework is simple and straightforward enough that you'll be able to create any player, team or season you want to, quickly and easily. You can even play the game using ordinary baseball trading cards, rating the players as the game unfolds! HISTORY MAKER BASEBALL Big League Baseball board game is designed to be realistic, easy to understand, and--above all--FUN to play!
HISTORY MAKER BASEBALL Big League Baseball Game comes with four championship finalist pro teams, two each from from the classic 1955 and 1975 Pro Seasons, plus a PDF download link for the rest of pro baseball's teams from the '75 season. Numerous other real-life pro and fictional seasons are available for purchase with your game. Ready to PLAAY ball!? Order YOUR copy of HISTORY MAKER BASEBALL today!
How long does it take to play a game? Anywhere from 25 to 45 minutes, depending on the amount of scoring. Pitchers' duels take less time, slug-fests with multiple pitching changes and pinch hits take more time.
Can this game be played solitaire? Yes, it's perfect for solitaire play!
Can I create my own players and teams? YES! The card-creation instructions are available for a small extra charge, and will allow you to quickly and easily create whatever players and teams you'd like.
How long has this game been around? Although it is was released in the spring of 2013, HISTORY MAKER BASEBALL has been in the works since 2002. Many hundreds of hours of play testing and development have gone into this big league baseball simulation game.
T. R., Novato, CA: There’s nothing quite like HMB - the math behind it is incredibly sophisticated and yet you manage to make the playing of the game so simple, flexible and scalable to any scenario. That you bring the whole clubhouse element to life, in addition to the unparalleled pitcher/batter/defense interaction, is beyond me in terms of execution.
B. M. DeKalb, IL: "This game is an absolute winner!" (read the entire BoardGameGeek.com review)
M. S. Mililani, HI: "If you’re like me and want a realistic baseball game that you can play solo or face-to-face, that is smooth, effortless, immersive and enjoyable, and is one that is filled with excitement and novelty, suspense and surprise; then, I strongly suggest you read further..." (read the entire BoardGameGeek.com review)
T. M. Streator, IL: "Haven't played dice baseball in over 25 years. The early reviews of your game sold me and the game has delivered on every level. It's just flat out fun!"
M. W. Metairie, LA: "I will argue that HMB is the greatest tabletop baseball game ever created. Playing HMB is an experience. There is nothing out there like it!"
R. V. Sycamore, IL: "I just wanted to thank you for the baseball game. I am a baseball junkie and am so thrilled with my 1964 and 1969 card sets that I may not play anything else for years. I absolutely love it!"
S. B. Thousand Oaks, CA: Thank you for a MARVELOUS and clever game! I have played tabletop baseball games since I was 10, and have always "tweaked" my games in the past, incorporating personality characteristics and other human attributes to my players to make them come to life for me. Your ingenious design does this perfectly! I truly sense each player's individuality during the game...In my opinion, you have done something truly amazing!"
B. B. Seneca, PA: "I've played a slew of tabletop baseball games. I've designed several games of my own. HMB is the most fun and the easiest to play. Its realism and depth are incredible. It REALLY makes you feel like you're managing a big league team!"
B. W. Adelanto, CA: "Just wanted to say I received HMB and it is fantastic! Brilliant design, simple and customizable! Perfect. I have never rated my own players in any game before,but this game has my creative juices flowing. Kudos to you on an extremely fine product!"
D. S. Aurora, ON: "Thanks for making such a great board game that has so many customizable options, and also makes me feel like I'm part of the game! This game truly takes me back to my youth and reignites my passion for baseball!"
J. S. Coram, NY: "HMB provides a 'graphic visualization' of baseball within seamless game play that is addictive while still retaining enough statistical realism to allow for a feel of each players ability. I didn't think you could top SECOND SEASON, but..."
J. K. Searcy, AR: "This is simply an AMAZING game you have created. The richness and the feel of realism are like nothing I have experienced."
T. B. Fanwood, NJ: "The game is fantastic. The approach of taking a 'history making' view is one which really appeals to me. When I was a kid, my friends and I played a ton of tabletop/dice baseball and HMB brings back those good memories. "
A. H. Cardiff, Wales: "I have been playing board and computer baseball games for over 25 years and have to say HMB is probably the best I've ever played."
K. S. Rochester, MN: "HMB is rapidly becoming my favorite baseball game (and I have played plenty). I especially like how I can create my own teams with the creation sheet. Thanks for an excellent product!"
R. S. Spring Mills, PA: "HMB attacks baseball from a different perspective. You're not going to compete with Strat-O-Matic, APBA, or Pursue the Pennant on their turf! How much do I like it? I've rolled 81 games of the 1969 O's season, and it's an unqualified winner in my book. Be aware though - it's a bit addictive. And FUN!"
K. D. Show Low, AZ: "I bought HMB and am hooked. The best feature in my opinion is the pitcher fatigue system and the ability of a reliever for one batter. The game forces the manager to utilize relief pitchers in a way the no other game does. HMB reduces a lot of complex info into a simple go/no go system w/o sacrificing statistical accuracy."
C. L. Topeka, KS: "This is a fantastically unique game and is a lot of fun to play!"
D. K. Laurel, MD: "Your baseball game has me hooked! In addition to being great fun to play, your use of 'qualities' instead of stats has created a whole new universe for me to play in. I'm as engrossed with the front office aspects of the game as I am with the games on the field. Sans numbers, the cards are essentially scouting reports; the games have to be played--and stats kept--to see which combinations actually match to the best players. Line-ups and batting orders have to be approached with a more open mind. It's great fun!"
A. S. Mt. Pleasant, MI: "The drama charts, the experience, chemistry, and Right Now tables, the umpires, the ballparks...when I play this game, I can hear the crowd and the crack of thd bat, smell the hot dogs...it really delivers the baseball experience to me."
R. B. Richardson, TX: "I enjoy HMB more than any game in my rotation. I have to force my self to stop playing sometimes, I can never get enough no matter how much I play!"
B. J. St. Louis, MO: "HMB is truly unlike any tabletop baseball game I have ever played, and I love it! To me, the qualities make the players much more realistic and life-like than mere numbers and I am finding the outcomes to be just as realistic."
S. G. Kansas City, MO: "HMB is a permanent fixture on my table and travels with me on business (and pleasure) trips. Please keep making the games you do—they rock and provide so much entertainment!"
B. F. Yarmouth Port, MA: "When you add in the manager strategy cards, umpire calls, team chemistry, experience, who's hot, and who's cold, you are playing less a re-enactment of a season and more of a true unique experience. I really love all the variables in the game. They make playing the game more like real baseball. An umpire's call can really change a game as can team chemistry, etc. That is the brilliance of HMB and why it is now my baseball game of choice."
C. H. Sweetwater, TX: "I'll have to ECHO...echo...(echo)...everyone else's high praise for this game. I'm a HUGE baseball fan, thank you for the most DIFFERENT (and that's a HUGE compliment) baseball game ever. It's like I AM the manager!"
J. S. Redmond, WA: "History Maker Baseball is a HUGE hit in our house! My 9 year-old son said last night, 'This is really easy to play, and fun!' They love things like the umpires, decider die, and especially the 'SAD SACK' quality!"
K. B. Someset, UK: "History Maker Baseball is just something else!! I can't stop playing it—every game has so many twists and turns and you can't predict the final result! Well done guys, and keep up the good work. All the best I'm seriously addicted!"