PLAAY Games in Vegas: Dice Tower West 2023 is ON!

We arrived in Vegas Wednesday afternoon, got the PLAAY store all set up, and we are ready to roll here at Dice Tower West 2023!

We thought it might be good to have some basic info about our company and what we're doing here this weekend for the benefit of those who are just now discovering PLAAY Games here at Dice Tower West.

One of the focal points of our presence here is the new card game we're releasing from designer Mike Fitzgerald, "Score Cards." Mike will be at the PLAAY Games booth (booth #27) this afternoon (Thursday 03.09.23) and at various times during the weekend (which we hope to update here). The game won't be officially released until May, but we're making copies available for gamers here at Dice Tower west.

Mike will also be overseeing our Score Cards Tournament, which happen tomorrow afternoon (Friday 03.10.23) at 2:00 pm, in the Main Hall, Table Section “G,” with specific table assignment once we get a final head count. Grand prize for the winner of the tournament is a special Gold Edition of the game, autographed by Mike.

Friday night is our HISTORY MAKER GOLF tournament, the DTW Vegas Open! We'll have a mix of PLAAY gamer "veterans" and "newbies," we'll be playing on the Black Jack GC (Vegas) course, with the "Do It Yourself Golf Pro" cards we used at last year's PLAAY Dot CON tournament. Winner gets a free copy of the golf game (or, a different PLAAY game if you already own golf!). Again, Main Hall, Table Section “G.”

The booth will be manned from 10a to 6p each day, and we have demo copies of all of the PLAAY Classic and PLAAY NOW games, happy to show you how they work. We also have several "in-development" game ideas that we would love feedback on, so let us know if you're interested!

This will be one of the shorter blog posts we've made--I hope to add to it later, but honestly things get pretty hectic, so don't be too surprised if I don't, haha!


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