Read Me: Holiday Mode Info-Post!

We'll be streaming live tonight from the PLAAY Space, but in case you missed it, we thought we'd hit the high points here and provide a landing place for a couple of important links that we'll be talking about/using...

Draft Duel, Expansion Pack and Compleat "How-To" Guide Collection Return

...for a limited time! We'll make them available through next week (until 5p 12.14.23). As we mentioned previously, the "Compleat How-To Guide Collection" won't be a regular offering, although we may bring it back for next year's holiday sale. As has been the case with other holiday games we've offered over the years, Draft Duel stands a good chance of returning as a permanent part of the PLAAY line-up at some point in 2024, stay tuned. We've also been attentive to requests for Draft Duel variants from other football eras, that may happen as well.

Finally, we corrected the "Tagliavoa" card to reflect the actual spelling of the popular Miami quarterback, and also fixed the "Los Angeles" text on the San Diego team card in the expansion pack. A number of folks asked for the card back patterns for the base game and expansion. We've bundled all those files into a single zipped file which you can access here. (It’s located under the “PLAAY NOW Teams and Cards” heading.)

Keep in mind that printing double-sided can be tricky, especially for ink jet printers.

Online Christmas Party Details

Our annual online Christmas party will be 12.14.23, 6pm MT (8pm ET) on the PLAAY Games YouTube channel, it should be a LOT of fun! If you're part of the PLAAY Games Community, you'll want to be there. We'll have TWO main components to the party: an interactive contest and a "White Elephant" gift exchange…

Interactive Contest!

In previous years, we've done a "Christmas Match Game" contest, this year we're going to switch it up and play a special PLAAY games version of the classic TV game show, "Jeopardy." (Many thanks to PLAAY gamer Ethan Musulin for creating the content for this!) Our version of "Let's PLAAY Jeopardy" will work differently than the TV presentation. The TV version, of course, has three contestants who "buzz in" with answers. That doesn't work so well in live streaming. So instead, we've prepared the questions for EVERYONE to (attempt to) answer, ahead of time. You can provide answers to as many questions as you want. Like the TV version, you'll get points for correct answers, but you'll LOSE points for incorrect answers. So, you may want to skip over questions about which you are unsure.

Here's the link for the online “Let’s PLAAY Jeopardy” form, deadline for entry is noon Wednesday 12.14.23!

NOTE that the first question is an "eliminator," you HAVE to get it right in order for the rest of your answers to count. (We're doing this to counter the spamming we got from non-PLAAYers for last year's online contest!)

Only ONE entry per person. Multiple entries from the same person will be disqualified.

The person with the most points gets a $50 PLAAY games gift card. IMPORTANT: In the event of a tie, the person with the EARLIEST entry will win.

White Elephant Gift Exchange!

We outlined the White Elephant exchange rules in Monday's blog post, including the deadline for submitting gifts which has already passed. If you didn't get a chance to send a gift, though, no worries--we have extra gifts and the first half-dozen or so will be opened by party-goers in the chat room who weren't able to submit a gift.

The rules are pretty straightforward, and (mostly) follow the classic "white elephant gift exchange" protocol. When it's your turn, you have the option of either choosing a wrapped gift from under the tree OR choosing ANY un-wrapped gift that somebody else has opened. If you choose someone else's gift, then that person chooses a new gift from under the tree. (In the interest of time, we won't allow multiple "steals" on the same turn, sorry!) Everyone who sent a gift gets to open a gift, and we'll go in REVERSE order of when each person's gift was received. That is to say, the earlier you sent in your gift, the later you'll choose (meaning more un-wrapped gifts to potentially "steal!")

Questions? Let us know (preferably before Thursday)!

(image courtesy of Call Me Fred,




Post Holiday Sale News and Notes!