1995 Stock Car Racing America Season


“Classic SCRAM,” features early-career years of numerous past and some current SCRAM stars—Wayne Montana’s rookie season! 55 fictional drivers represented in full-color standard and TV cards, so you can enjoy your own pro racing legacy! Also includes set of 16 black-and-white Track Cards representing fictional SCRAM racing venues, driver summary and schedule of 1995 SCRAM events.

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“Classic SCRAM,” features early-career years of numerous past and some current SCRAM stars—Wayne Montana’s rookie season! 55 fictional drivers represented in full-color standard and TV cards, so you can enjoy your own pro racing legacy! Also includes set of 16 black-and-white Track Cards representing fictional SCRAM racing venues, driver summary and schedule of 1995 SCRAM events.

“Classic SCRAM,” features early-career years of numerous past and some current SCRAM stars—Wayne Montana’s rookie season! 55 fictional drivers represented in full-color standard and TV cards, so you can enjoy your own pro racing legacy! Also includes set of 16 black-and-white Track Cards representing fictional SCRAM racing venues, driver summary and schedule of 1995 SCRAM events.

To set the stage for the 1995 SCRAM Season for RED WHITE & BLUE RACIN', we have to have a quick Stock Car Racing America history lesson...

We've been releasing a new SCRAM season every year since 2011--that's thirteen consecutive seasons of racin'and still going strong. A few years ago, we created a SCRAM version of our popular Stock Car Racing Pioneers card set, set in the year 1960. Since then, we've envisioned a racing legacy that parallels NASCAR, but with its own unique personalities, histories and heritage.

Fast-forward to the 2023 SCRAM card set. The 2023 season represents the end of an era for the Stock Car Racing America organization, with the announcement of Wayne Montana's retirement at the conclusion of the season. For one reason or another, Montana has always been a rather polarizing character in the PLAAY Games community--some see him as a hero, others as a villain! (Every once in awhile you'll see a #DownWithMontana post on the community Facebook page!)

Love him or hate him, we thought it would be fun to take you back to the beginning of his career. Here's your chance to go back to where it all started for Wayne Montana--his rookie year--with our newest "vintage" SCRAM card set, representing the 1995 racing season!

HOWEVER you view Montana, there's a lot of fun waiting for you in the 1995 SCRAM Season card set!...

First, there's the assortment of drivers. Many of them are SCRAM staples, like Montana, Dick Exham, Phil Clooney and Vic Holder, captured here in early-career mode. Others (Charlie Brake, Buck Trimble and Carroll Worthington, for example) have made late-career or alumni appearances in various current-season card sets. A handful have family roots that hearken back to the '60 season of Rocket Felder, Denny Stoffel, Hollis Yoder and others.

But there's a whole OTHER generation of SCRAM drivers waiting to be discovered in this new vintage card set! Many, like Montana, are in the early stages of their careers (but unlike Montana, some didn't stick around long). Some are hangers-on, relics from the 1970s or '80s. Others find themselves in 1995 in the prime of their careers--guys like Ernie Maldonado, Pete Pettis (Jordy and Kevin's dad), Ringo Ireland and Hooks Troyer.

Click the button below or a full run-down of the '95 SCRAM driver roster! You'll enjoy opening this NEW chapter of the SCRAM legacy, and building your OWN stock car racing heritage, one race at a time!

You also get a set of sixteen track cards on which to run 1995s 30-race season (we include a printed 1995 race schedule with your card set). You'll be familiar with many of them, iconic SCRAM tracks like Dixie Regional Raceway and Southern Super Speedway. There are others, though, that have faded from the current SCRAM scene, which you'll get to discover here. There's the Blue Ridge Motor Raceway and Dogwood Speedway, both soon-to-be-made obsolete by newly constructed super-tracks in the midwest and Texas. And the Heart of Carolina Speedway, a SCRAM staple from the '60s and '70s, now crumbling into oblivion--but not before going out with a few last blasts of stock car racing pageantry!

The 1995 SCRAM Season cards for RED WHITE & BLUE RACIN' give you 55 drivers (in standard and TV cards), with an additional half-dozen blank cards for you to use however/if you want to. You also get sixteen track cards, a driver detail sheet and 1995 schedule. Everything you need to create your OWN stock car racing heritage, totally unique to YOU!