2018 North American Pro Soccer Season PDF


Digital version of printed card set, print-and-play today! Individual cards for players on all 23 teams, over 450 players, based on the real-life top North American pro league season. Presented in team colors.

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Digital version of printed card set, print-and-play today! Individual cards for players on all 23 teams, over 450 players, based on the real-life top North American pro league season. Presented in team colors.

Digital version of printed card set, print-and-play today! Individual cards for players on all 23 teams, over 450 players, based on the real-life top North American pro league season. Presented in team colors.

With the 2018 North American Pro League cards for SOCCER BLAST, you'll be able to realistically re-create the memorable 2018 season from start-to-finish...

The North American pro league expanded again for 2018 (two new clubs were added in 2017), with a second, brand new Los Angeles team taking the field. It was an immediate success, finishing higher in the standings than the established L.A. club! The western conference saw a quintet of talented teams scramble for playoff seeding, with Kansas City eventually separating itself from the pack. The east was a two-team race, between New York's energetic outfit and upstart Atlanta. Once the playoffs began, things got a little crazy: Portland, the west's fifth seed, registered upset wins over Dallas, Seattle and Kansas City to earn a berth in the title match against Atlanta, which won its penultimate showdown with New York in the eastern finals, stunning the favored club with three first-game goals. In the winner-take-all championship game, Atlanta blanked Portland 2-0 as a league-record home crowd of over 73,000 fans looked on. It was an exciting, finishing flourish for another banner year of professional soccer in North America. You'll get all twenty-three North American pro clubs, the winners, hopefuls and also-rans, in this new, colorful card set for SOCCER BLAST!

With the 2018 North American Pro League cards for SOCCER BLAST Pro Soccer board game, Each player is represented with his own card, designed to re-create his actual real-life 2018 performance. Atlanta's supercharged forward easily won the league's "Golden Boot" award with an amazing 31 goals, out-distancing his nearest competitor by nine goals. You can expect the same sort of dominant performance on your tabletop. New York's Wright-Phillips will show off his prowess with headers, while starts like Portland's Valeri, Washington's Rooney and Ciman from Los Angeles will be your top threats on corner and free kicks, just as they were on the real-life pitch! New York's Robles and Seattle's Melia will be among the keepers most difficult to score against, and defenders like New York's Lawrence and Long, and Seattle's Marshall will make it hard on strikers, too. And, oh yes, those players who were handed yellow and red cards in real-life—like Los Angeles' Cole, Ziegler from Dallas, and Toronto's Gavinga—will show the same unruly disposition on your tabletop! In all, over 450 players will show their stuff: from the consensus all-stars to the seldom-used subs!

With the 2018 North American Pro Season cards for SOCCER BLAST, you can re-live this exciting season in whatever format suits your tabletop availability. You can re-play your favorite team's season, perhaps guiding your guys to the title game! With SOCCER BLAST's fast game time, a 34-game single-team season can be completed in a matter of weeks. Or, pick up the season at the start of the playoffs and paint your own playoff picture. Each player is represented with an individual card, printed in team colors. You also get a league summary and a Universal Instant Results matrix that lets you generate winners of matches (and scores) with a single dice roll—perfect for recreating the league standings week-by-week as your single team replay unfolds!

The 2018 North American Pro Season card set for SOCCER BLAST Pro Soccer game is presented in team colors. Get the PDF version for $21, and download instantly after purchase—print and play the same day!