Bowling Legends


72 individual bowler cards based on real-life pro bowling legends of the 1950s through '90s. Re-live bowling history!

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72 individual bowler cards based on real-life pro bowling legends of the 1950s through '90s. Re-live bowling history!

72 individual bowler cards based on real-life pro bowling legends of the 1950s through '90s. Re-live bowling history!

Here’s a list of bowlers included in the Bowling Legends card set for BOWL-O-RAMA Championship Bowling Game along with the year/season on which the bowler’s card is based (all three groups are included with the set)…

GROUP ONE: Earl Anthony '83; Mike Aulby '89; Tom Baker '81; Nelson Burton Jr. '78; Don Carter '62; Steve Cook '86: Dave Davis '67; Mike Durbin '82: Billy Hardwick '69; Marshall Holman '85; Don Johnson '71; Don McCune '73: George Pappas '76: Johnny Petraglia '71: Dick Ritger '69: Mark Roth '78: Carmen Salvino '75: Ernie Schlegel '80: Jim Stefanich '68: Wayne Webb '85: Mark Williams '88: Dick Weber '62: Pete Weber '97; : Wayne Zahn '67.

GROUP TWO: Bill Allen '68; Gene Allison '64: Bill Beach '72: Ray Bluth '64: Bill Bunetta '64: Jimmy Certain '79: Allan Chodor '89: Pete Couture '77: Gary Dickinson '79: Skee Foremsky '70: Jim Godman '72: Tommy Hudson '77: Larry Laub '74: Mike Lemongello '71: Bill Lillard '64: Andy Marzich '64: Mike McGrath '70: Les Schissler '67: Teata Semiz '66: Bob Strampe '70: Art Trask '82: Guppy Troup '79: Billy Walden '88: Les Zikes '78.

GROUP THREE: Patrick Allen, ’03; Barry Asher, ’66: Del Ballard, JR., ’91: Chris Barnes, ’99: Joe Berardi, JR, ’79: Parker Bohn III, ’99: Jason Couch, ’99: Norm Duke, ’94: Dave Ferraro, ’92: Bryan Goebel, ’94: John Guenther, ’69: Steve Hoskins, ’98: Dave Husted, ’85: Tommy Jones, ’05: Doug Kent, ’97: Mika Koivuniemi, ’12: Amleto Monacelli, ’89: Dave Ozio, ’91; Randy Pedersen, ’89; Harry Smith, ’63; Dave Soutar, ’79; Brian Voss, ’02; Walter Ray Williams, JR., ’93; Danny Wiseman, ’92.