Football League of the Americas Soccer Card Set


Individual cards for players on 20 fictional pro soccer teams, over 400 players, patterned after top-level European pro soccer.

This page is for the PRINTED version. A PDF version is available here.

Check out our FLOTA blog post for even more info on this card set!

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Individual cards for players on 20 fictional pro soccer teams, over 400 players, patterned after top-level European pro soccer.

This page is for the PRINTED version. A PDF version is available here.

Check out our FLOTA blog post for even more info on this card set!

Individual cards for players on 20 fictional pro soccer teams, over 400 players, patterned after top-level European pro soccer.

This page is for the PRINTED version. A PDF version is available here.

Check out our FLOTA blog post for even more info on this card set!

Our new fictional soccer league is ready to hit your game table--say hello to the FLOTA (Football League of the Americas)! Think BIG time soccer, BIG cities, BIG crowds, loud. It's like the top English pro league, but with a fresh, festive Latin American twist!

FLOTA consists of twenty teams, situated in the biggest cities of the Americas. New York, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, La Paz, and Caracas, to name a few. The league has been specifically engineered for competitive balance. You can expect a fierce battle on all sides of the table, with relatively small separation from top to bottom, compared to other similar pro leagues. Statistics for scoring, cards, kicks, headers and everything else will be in synch with established pro parameters. In short, FLOTA will provide you with an exciting, unpredictable, open-ended and realistic big-time soccer experience!

We've designed the card set to "feel" like the Americas, different from European-based leagues. The player cards are brightly-colored, each team with a festive tri-color palette. All nationalities are represented, with an emphasis on Latin American stars.

If you're a long-time PLAAY gamer, you'll know that FLOTA isn't our first fictional soccer offering. Ten years ago (2014), we produced the World Football Association, a fictional representation of that year's World Cup. We followed that up with a second set in 2016. All that to say, several dozen of the 2016 WFA stars are still playing in 2024, and have signed contracts with FLOTA. Ryan Sullens, Sami Kanady, Khaydarbi Kadi and about 100 others from the WFA are ready to re-ignite their careers on your game table!

We mentioned competitive balance. Our thought is that you should be able to play a number of different projects with this set and have the potential for a different champion every time. To help facilitate that, The set comes with a subset of transfer star cards. Basically, as commissioner of the organization, you can re-assign these players to whomever you choose. Thus, ANY team in FLOTA can become an instant top-of-the-table favorite, with the addition of one or more of these stars!

There are so many different ways you can enjoy this card set! At PLAAY-Dot-CON 2024 we ran a Championship Cup format, with group stage play followed by single elimination, which was great fun (Mexico City earned our championship cup!). You can choose to divide the set into a two-tiered league, with a Champion and Challenger divisions, ten teams each, with relegation and promotion. You can go with the standard twenty team league format, like the major Euro leagues utilize. Or, just enjoy the fun of big-time football with one-off games between your favorites! However you choose to enjoy the set, it'll be without the constraints of "what happened in real life!" YOU make your OWN football history with the new FLOTA set for SOCCER BLAST!